Gold Hill & Berry

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Gardening News
Soil profile key to excellent growth, Experts Agree

Portland, OR - Professional Greenskeepers, Landscapers, and gardening experts agree, maintaining soil profile is most important for overall growth success. Known as soil profiling, the practice of balancing levels of water, pockets of air space, nutrients, and soil particles leads to excellerated growth in all plants, higher yeilds, and extra durability to both plant and soil structures. For over thirty years professionals have been using a product simply named "Profile" to maintain optimum levels in golf courses, athletic feilds, and even the Super Bowl. This product is now available for use in consumer lawns and home gardens.

"Profile" is a mined natural ceramic that has been formed into specifically sized particles which are then fired in computer controlled kilns to become a stabilized soil admendment with less than a 2% annual degregation rate. Once they are kiln fired, the particles have surface pores, half that attract and hold moisture and water soluable nutrients, while the other half hold air. Because of its optimum air and water holding capabilities and soil stability, "Profile" soil admendment has become the favored secret professional tool to promote plant growth and to balance soil profiles for ultimate improvement in soil structures.

After "Profile" is applied, clay soils maintain more air space, therefore they drain excess moisture away from the root zone before the soil becomes saturated and soggy. In sandy soils, the water holding pores of "Profile" provide space for nutrients and extra moisture to be used by plants in the root zone instead of percolating through the soil unused. Maintaining soil structures with "Profile" has led to better golf greens and tees, higher quality fairways, safer playing feilds, and now higher growth rates and yeilds for consumer lawns and home gardens.

"Berry" Craig has used this product for over 20 years in both sandy and clay soils. Both are improved as soon as "Profile" soil admendment is added, either tilled into the soil or backfilled into aeration holes. Plants and lawns show an almost doubled growth rate while watering and fertilizer uses are reduced. Overall plant health, vigor, and garden yeilds increased. Muddy saturated soils become well drained. Sandy soils tend to use almost half the irrigation needed before "Profile" application.

Most important in our location, clay soils no longer form a hardpan crust on top, which facilitates easier surface cultivation. Although this product is relatively expensive due to transportation costs, its almost permanent benefits in the soil are well worth the price. We have come to enjoy the earlier fruiting and higher yeilds from our own home garden and planter pots using this product. "Profile" soil admendment has won our award for best gardening product on the market, we suggest that you try it in your lawn or garden soon.

For more information about Profile Lawn & Garden products call toll-free at (877) 205-0266.